
Since this website has gained in readership, I have received innumerable queries from both clinicians and sufferers alike, requesting of me everything from book and article references to ED diagnoses, prognoses and professional advice on treatment. Now, while I am in the PROCESS of becoming an "expert" in this area, in the sense that my research will deal with treatment alternatives for those who struggle with EDs, I am neither a licensed counsellor, therapist or Medical Doctor. I am not in the business of making clinical diagnoses, and so the extent of my offer of help is only in providing people with my own educated and experienced opinion.

For those requesting references on books, articles and help on theses, term papers or projects for school, I have posted a link of books, catalogues and videos on eating disorders and their related topics. If you do not know how to conduct a proper, exhaustive CD-ROM search of the current literature at your local public or university library, and you know the SPECIFIC area of study you are interested in learning about, I will be happy to steer you in the right direction to help you get the information you require; however, I can not provide literature reviews or annotated bibliographies to all those who are writing research papers on the subject of eating disorders.

Thank you!

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