by Kero
Scene 1 Lawndale High
Jane: Daria what do you want to do this weekend?
Daria: Lets watch Sick Sad World.
Jane: OK but who's house?
Daria: Mine
Jane: Alright
They arrive at Daria's
Jake: Hello kiddo and Jen?
Jane: It's Jane.
Jake: How was school?
Jane:It was great until Daria burned down the gym.
Jake: What Daria!
Daria: She was kidding.
Jake: Oh yeah I knew that sike!
They walk upstairs.
Daria: Careful Jane we don't need him bursting another eye vessel.
Jane: Sorry but your Dad is so gullible. You must have alot of fun playing
with his mind.
Daria: Yes I do but sometimes it gets boring because its to easy just like
Quinn's mind. The only semi-challenge is my Mom's mind.
Jane: You are so lucky I don't have any minds to fool with, Trent of course is
always sleeping and my mon and dad are usually out. Did I ever tell you I love
your room?
Daria: All the time.
Jane: I'm going to do something different today. I feel like snooping around
in your room. Do you mind?
Daria: No, go ahead but next time I'll sneak around in your room.
Jane: Ok that is fair.
Daria: Well while you are looking around in my room I'm going to watch t.v.
Jane: I think I 'll start in your closet. Oh Daria what a big selection of
clothing. Hey what is this? Poetry.
Daria: I hope you can handle the content in it.
Jane: Wow, you sure seemed mad when you did these.
Daria: No I was bored and I decided this room needed my personal touch.
Jane: What's under your bed?
Daria: What's under yours?
Jane: Wow this pizza is an antique. So where is the diary? MM. Cds.
Daria :Thats what happen to them.
Jane: Hey the Wallflowers, thats kind of soft for you Daria. I would never
have guessed it you are a softy.
Daria: Well it is good Cd to get my creative juices flowing.
Jane: Sure you probably just like the lead singer.
Daria: Jakob Dylan?
Jane: Yeah thats his name. You know what he kind of reminds me of Trent. Oh I
Daria: I don't see the similary between Trent and Jakob.
Jane: Give me a break Daria.
Daria: Well I don't know what you are talking about.
Jane: Fine, I don't really feel up to debating now. Let's just watch t.v.
Scene 2
Daria's room Jane has left.
Radio: We are giving away some prizes. Be the first caller win a prize and we
have two prizes to choose from. Ready now answer this easy history question,
where was J.F.K. killed? First Caller.
First Caller: His back yard.
Radio: No 2nd caller.
Second Caller: Oval office.
Radio: No. Third caller.
Third Caller:His wife killed him.
Radio: No wrong again. This is simple history. What state? Fourth Caller.
Fourth Caller: Washington.
Daria: Damnit. I have heard enough I'm calling.
Radio: Caller 6.
Daria: Hello J.F.k. was killed in Texas.
Radio: Congulations. We have to prizes for you. Wallflower tickets or a gift
package from Rooms to Go.
Daria: My mother would love for me to get the gift package but hell no the
Wallflower tickets.
Radio: Good choice it includes backstage passes to meet the Wallflowers. How
do you feel?
Daria: Bored.
Radio: You have a great sense of humor.
Scene 3
Lane House
Daria: Today is my day to sneak around in your room.
Jane: Go Ahead I threw out all the good stuff last night.
Daria: Geez, thanks Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that I won some tickets to
go to a Wallflower concert,next Saturday and I also get to meet them
Jane: How?
Daria: I answered a history question?
Jane: Cool.
Daria: So do you want to go?
Jane: Of course why wouldn't I not want to go?
Daria: Well yesterday I got the impression you didn't like them.
Jane: Well I changed my mind as soon as I saw the drummer.
Daria: Mario.
Jane: Mario,mm,cool I get to meet him!
Daria: Ok well I have to get rid of two more tickets.
Jane: I know who we can give them to Trent and Jesse.
Daria: But the Wallflowers aren't really their style of music.
Jane: I can convice them come and watch.
Jane: Hey Jesse.
Jesse: Hey
Trent: Hey Daria.
Daria: Hey.
Jane: Hey Trent do you and Jesse want to come with me and Daria to a concert?
Trent: What concert?
Jane: A Wallflowers concert.
Trent: I don't know there aren't really our style.
Jane: Come on this will get you the second hand experience to see how it is
like to hit it big.
Trent: How will we do that?
Jane: Well,Daria also got backstage passes too.
Trent: Well, I guess I'll go what about you, Jesse?
Jesse: Sounds cool, maybe we can get some tips.
Trent: We don't need tips.
Jesse: I want tips.
Jane: Ok its set next Saturday.
Scene 4
Lane House
Jane: Daria did you bring the cd?
Daria: Yes.
Jane: I have the camera and paper for them to autograph.
Daria: You sure are prepared.
Jane: I have to be ready when I meet Mario.
Jesse: Board the car.
Jane: Hey Jesse look at the cd.
Jesse: Hey this guy looks like Trent.
Jane: That is why Daria likes him.
Daria pushes her.
Trent: Let me see. Geez I don't know I guess he must be good looking if he
looks like me. Right Daria.
Daria is embrassed.
Jane: I am so exicted Daria do you think I should get a poster or something?
Daria: If you have the money fine but promise me you won't act like this
anymore after today.
Jane: Ok I'll try.
Trent: I wonder how the backstage is like.
Reporter: Here we are with Trent Lane the leader singer and songwriter for
Mystical Spiral. So how is it to be part of one of the coolest bands?
Trent: It's great, I always told my friend I had my eyes on the prize.
Crowd: Trent, Trent,Trent Yo Trent!!!
Jane pushes Trent
Jane: Wake up
Trent: Sorry I was having a great dream.
Jane: Well you almost killed us again.
Jane: Hey Mario my name is Jane.
Mario: That is such a beautiful name.
Jane: Thanks.
Mario: Will you Marry me?
Daria: Jane will you stop daydreaming of Mario.
Jane:(Damnitt Jane stop acting like Quinn)
Daria:(I wonder what kind of people are going to be there as long as its not
Quinn kind of people its ok.)
Jane: Trent exit here its time for a pit stop. Come Daria.
Go to the bathroom.
Daria: I don't have to go to bathroom.
Jane: I don't either but I want to leave our mark here.
She pulls out a black marker.
Daria: I know what to write but I have to go to the men's bathroom.
Jane: Daring Daria.
Daria: Be a look out.(goes in)Is anyone here I guess not.
Daria writes if you want to have a good time call Quinn at 124-8872. Then she
wrotes Daria loves _ _ _ _ _ in a bathroom stall.
Jane: My turn you be a watch out.
Jane draws Ms.Barch with a saying get those little things out of here!
Jane: Me and Daria are ready to go.
Trent: Wait me and Jesse have to go.
Daria: (oh no I hope no one sees that)
Jesse: Look Trent!(He shows what Daria wrote) I think Daria likes me.
Trent: HaHaHa Sure she does.
Scene 5: Wallflower concert
Daria: They are alot of people here.
Trent: Yeah. It's great.
Jane: Where do the tickets say to sit.
Daria: Front row center.
Jane: Wow we are going to get a good look at them. Before we go to our seats
I need something.
Jesse: What is she getting?
Daria: A poster.
Jane: Get away girls it is mine!
Girl: No I saw it first.
Jane: You better shut your mouth or else.
She show a fist.
Jane: I got what I wanted.
They go to their seats
Annoucer: Here are the Wallflowers.
People scream.
Scene 6 after concert
Jesse: That was wild.
Trent: Now it the backstage that is going to be nuts.
Jane: woo Hoo
They show their passes to guard
Jane: Smile Daria.
Jane snaps a picture of Daria
Jesse: Psst.Janey I think your friend Daria has a crush on me.
Jane: Where did you get that idea?
Jesse: I saw it written on a bathroom door.
Jane: And it said Daria loves/likes Jesse?
Jesse: Well no.
Jane: That could be anyone.
Jesse: But who else can it be?
Jane: (Trent stuipd) Geez I don't know.
Jesse: Well tell Daria to look for someone else.
Jane: ok
Jesse and Trent walk around.
Jane: Hey Daria. So why didn't you tell me that you like Jesse?
Daria: What are you talking about I don't like him don't you like him?
Jane: No, Daria he isn't really my type he's too much like my brother. You
know I need someone to flirt around with when you are with Trent.
Daria: Oh shut up.
Jane: So I have figured out one of the greatest mysteries Daria's lust
object.. my brother. Ha Ha
Daria: Hey isn't that Mario.
Jane: Where? Daria come with me.
They walk to Mario.
Jane: Hi my name is Jane and this is Daria.
Mario: Hi girls How are you?
Daria: Fine.
Jane: Great, can you sign this poster for me.
Mario: Sure what would you like me to write.
Jane: To Jane Lane Love Mario
Mario: Here you go.
Jane: Thanks I'll never forget this.
Then she kisses him on the cheek.
Jane: Oh wait before I go and look around some more, Daria take a picture of
Mario and me.
Daria: Smile.
Jane: Bye,Mario.
Daria: Bye.
Mario: Bye Girls.
Jane: He was nice. Oh look there is Trent and Jesse. So did you guys meet any
of the Wallflowers.
Trent: Yeah we met Micheal Ward the guitarist and he gave Jesse some tips.
Jesse: No man he gave you tips.
Trent: Whatever.
Jane: So did you get his autograph.
Trent: Yeah
He pulls a piece of paper from his pocket.
Jane: Now what should we do?
Daria: Let's look for Jakob Dylan.
Jane: Sure Daria you need to have some fun too.
Daria: Oh shut up.
Trent: There he is. So Daria what do you think is so great about that guy.
Look how everyone is tripping all over themselves to meet him.
Daria: He is famous. Fame seems to do weird things to people.
Trent: But you seem to be fine.
Daria: That is because unlike everyone else I have self control.
Trent: Oh
Jakob looks exactly like Trent but no earrings, no jewelry, neater clothing
and blue eyes.
Jane: Hello, My name is Jane, this is Daria, Trent, and Jesse.
Jakob: Hey guys so what did you think about the concert?
Trent: I would consider it one of the best I have been to considering we got
backstage passes.
Jakob: I'm glad to hear that.
Rami and Greg members of WF: Hey Jake that guy looks like you.
Jakob: I guess I can see the similarities.
Jane: See Daria. Hey Jakob I told my friend, Daria. That you look like my
brother. You and my brother also have something else in common Trent also
plays in a band.
In a lower voice
Jane: And Daria like both of you.
Daria pushes her.
Jane: Hey.
Jakob: So what is the name of the band?
Trent: Mystical Spiral.
Jakob: That's a cool name.
Trent: Thanks.
Jakob: So have you guys played any places big?
Trent: No, just some little stuff. We are not sell out.
Jakob: I would like to hear you guy some time may one of these days.
Jane: Can we take some pictures?
Jakob: Sure.
Jane: First Trent and Jakob. Now Daria go with them. Wait can you take a
picture of all of us?
Person: sure, smile.
Jane: Thanks.
Daria: Wait before we go can I have your autograph.
Jakob: Sure.
Daria: Thanks you are an inspiration to my writing.
Jakob: Your welcome bye.
Daria: Bye
All: Bye
Jakob: Hey
He taps Daria.
Jakob: I think that guy likes you.
He points at Trent.
Scene 7 Riding back home
Jane: This is one of the coolest days ever. So Daria when do you want the
Daria: Whenever thay are done. I can't wait to go home and brag to Quinn.
She has never met anyone famous before.
Jane: Ha She is a loser.
Trent: Thanks for a fun day Daria.
Jesse: Yeah this was a cool day.
Trent: Next time I'll treat you out.
Jane: Oh isn't that nice?
Trent: We are at your house. See you later Daria.
Daria: Bye Jane, Jesse, Trent.
Jane: See you tomorrow.
Daria opens the door.
Helen: Hi Daria how was the concert?
Daria: It was ok. I am tired so I going to my room.
Helen: Nite.
Daria: Nite.
Daria: Hey Quinn I met someone famous loser.
Quinn: Stop bragging Daria!
Slams door in her face.
Daria goes to her room closes the door and puts the signed poster on the
door and sighs.