The Kent Konglish Workbook(c) is a fun
and exciting language learning program. The program focuses on helping
Korean EFL/ESL students overcome their use of Konglish through self-study.
Teachers can also print out the workbook exercises to use with their students
in class, alternatively they can be set as homework.
The shareware version of the Kent Konglish Workbook(c)
contains a total of 140 language games.
The language games include:
10 Matching Exercises,
10 Cloze Exercises,
20 Question and Answer Quizzes,
20 Translation Exercises,
50 What Word Am I? Quizzes,
10 Word Search Puzzles,
10 Crossword Puzzles, and
10 Review Exercises.
The program will keep a record of the students grade for each exercise.
The grade scores can be printed, or viewed from within the program.