Problem # 15 : The Saddle Point

A saddle-point is defined as a point in a 2-dimensional table of numbers which is the lowest number in its row but the largest number in it's column.

Thus for the a table such as

01 06 08
29 12 45
13 10 07
The point (2 2) = 12
is largest in its column and smallest in its row
and therefore is a saddle point.

Write a sub-routine SADDLE(A() N) which takes a double-dimension array of size (N N) A() and prints it's saddle point on a cleared screen.

Sample Output
If the array A() contains the elements mentioned in the table above SADDLE(A() 3) should result in :
The Saddle Point is (2 2)=12

If A() =

12 53 23 54
23 55 27 74
14 12 2 84
2 44 67 4
SADDLE(A() 4) should result in :
The Saddle Point is (2 1)=23

If there are two or more Saddle Points return any one and if there are no saddle points SADDLE(A() N) should result in :
"No Saddle Points"

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