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Ancestors of McKenzie Taylor Warren Granddaughter of John R. Taylor


6400. William Hancock Sr.

From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.

6401. Elizabeth Cockcroft

From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.

6496. Reuben Lindsey

This is now (2007) evidence that Reuben Lindsey of Scotland was not the grandfather of this James Lindsey.

In my line I have a James Lindsey, b:c1700 in Caroline Co., VA married to Sarah Daniels.
They had five sons and one daughter: Caleb, Jacob, Reuben, William, Elizabeth, and John (b:Abt 1735). This is my oldest Lindsey line and I would really like to further extend it. My line is through John, and his son Thomas. (notes off the web)

I have James' family back to c700. The female lines go to William the Conqueror, Charlemagne, and Ramses II, Pharoah of Egypt, through Kings Edward III, Edward I and John. (This person emailed me and wanted me to buy this information. We exchanged serveal emails and lost my trust in him.)

updated 16 July, 2007 Copyright© 1999 - 2007 by John R. Taylor

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