Mechanics of History


What is this page about?

This Web site presents the history theory developed in 1990-2002. Mechanics of History is a collection of models and laws that explain the strongest historical, and economic processes. You will not find here many facts from history (except some links to historic sites). This page is devoted to present my work, so if you search for important information, you better click out.
  • If you are interested in mechanisms that drive the history, and want to see some explanations, why our history was as it was.  
  • If you are interested what would happen if history took another path, and moreover when these “alternative variants of history” were possible, and when not.
  • If you are interested in scientific explanation of history.
  • If you want to learn tools that helps to predict events like South-Asia Crisis (1997) or fall of president Fujimori in Peru (2000).
This page will probably satisfy you.
This material consists of five parts:

Some basics foundations, and some author's remarks about basic powers that drive history are shortly described here
Political Systems
Classification of political systems (feudal system, populistic system, democratic system), and related tools (like GPI). This page explains why the ancient Athens democracy was not a democracy, but ancient Rome was, why Rome and Great Britain built great empires, and where dictatorships and totalitarian systems come from.

Laws for History
Description of the basic historical schemas, and processes. This page explains reasons that stands behind the rise, and fall of historical countries, and reason for upspring, and domination of Europe.

Economics Tools
Description of the basic economics tools used here. This page presents the classification of economic crises (stagflation crisis, overproduction crisis), and mechanics that stands behind them. Explains when economy should be stimulated by government, and when not. Why sometimes a free trade will not work - the flaws of Comparative Advantage Theory.

The World History Rewritten
Short world history as from the point of view of author. This page contains more facts from history (and links) than other pages presented here, and is probably the most readable part of this site.


  • I presented here only about 1% of whole theory (or even less).
  • Because of that I have to use many simplifications, and I am not saying a word about many doubts I still have, and phenomena I do not understand.
  • I have not enough space here to present all consequences of presented laws, and every connection between them. You have to do it by your own.
  • And the last but not least, sorry for my weak English.
Alternate version of this page
(in case of technical problems)

The basic knowledge you should have to read this material:

Special thanks to Sławomir Maszewski
April-June 2003

Table of Contents
ASQ Page
Contact with Author
Rules of Quotation
Theory Chronology
Printable Version
MECHANICS  OF  HISTORY - laws to understand the history