Miss Oak Grove Scholarship Pageant
                 Miss Oak Grove
            Scholarship Pageant
         Sunday Sept. 27, 2009

Note change in pageant date from
Aug. 7th to Sept.27th     


The Miss Oak Grove Scholarship Pageant provides educational scholarships , college funds and prizes to five young ladies who are selected to represent the Oak Grove Community as Public Relations Ambassadors. The Ambassadors attend functions at neighboring community festivals and celebrations such as parades, coronations, and visiting dignitary luncheons. Volunteerism is stressed by helping local businesses and civic groups with fund raising and public relations promotions.

The pageant is run by volunteers who work hard to make the Miss Oak Grove Scholarship Pageant a quality, well- respected event. It is the desire of the committee to give each candidate the best experience she can possibly have, no matter what the outcome of the pageant may be.

Our pageant is unique in that candidates are judged for competition in five different categories  scholastics, talent, volunteer service, interview and evening gown, representing five of the most important areas of a young lady's life. Excelling in all five of these areas will give you a well-rounded ambassador. There is no swimsuit competition, we are looking for inner quality and beauty rather than the most beautiful face and figure.We are searching for some really nice girls who want to give their time to represent the community of Oak Grove.
2008-09 Ambassadors

Oak Grove Junior Princess- Emily Isaacson
Oak Grove Little Miss- Amanda Dahlin
Miss Oak Grove- Camille Strickland

Oak Grove Princess-Nicole Fogelman
Oak Grove Junior Miss Princess- Kaylee Jondahl
Oak Grove Junior Miss- Emily Goldeman

Oak Grove Past Ambassadors
2008-09 Ambassador Pictures
Information Links:
Get to Know The Directors
Candidate Information and Requirements
Pageant Entry Process
How The Winner Is Chosen & Awards
Miss Oak Grove & Junior Miss Application
Miss Oak Grove & Junior Miss Resume
Little Miss & Junior Princess Application
Junior Princess Resume
Little Miss Resume
Candidate Schedule and Events
Talent & Interview Competion Schedule
Contact Info:
Pageant Competition Schedule
Code of Conduct and Contract Cheryl Mayers
Pageant Director -
Sponsor Letter
Phone- 763-753-6744 Cell- 763-234-1046